0845 139 5000 [email protected]

My Personal Guarantee

My aim is to show you how to fix and build your business block by block and how to measure our progress. If we don’t get results, THEN I PAY YOU! Progress is measured against YOUR personal goals, not mine.


If we don't achieve your goals, i'll pay you £1,000 a month until you do!

If my fees for the WHOLE YEAR aren’t paid for by month three.
Then, I PAY YOU £1,000 PER MONTH until they are!

The main point for you to take here is that you won’t need this. I have never once had to do it and never once had a business owner not satisfied with the results we achieve and never once had a business owner ask me to action this.

The fact is, we get results!

See my terms and conditions for more info.


Why such a massive guarantee from me?

You have skin in the game because you’re paying for me upfront.

I have skin in the game because if we don’t achieve the above, then I have to start giving you money!

Skin In The Game

When one party has skin in the game, it’s incredibly powerful. When we both do, we’re an unbeatable team, powerful beyond anything you will have experienced previously.

Rich Moore Business Coach

 Your goals are probably going to be different from my goals, but you have to at least identify what your goals are. Otherwise, how on earth can you have anything to aim for?

At least establish longterm goals and from that, short-term goals and from that micro/task-oriented goals.

Below are just three key areas that almost every single client and potential client wants to work on.

Get More Time Back

Want more time with family, or more time to spend doing the things you enjoy in your business, rather than worrying about the things you have to get done?

You can fix this…

Have More Money

Not taking enough money out of the business and into your personal lives. Could you be taking an extra 4 holidays per year. Does your family miss spending time with you?

You can fix this…

No More Employee Worries

Employees! They can save us or break us. If they are breaking you, it’s probably your fault. Really! They need structure and strong leadership before they really earn their keep.

You can fix this…

My Credentials


If you spend any time talking to me, you’ll know i’m extremely confident in talking about a vast array of business topics and you probably won’t need or want to know my credentials. But some people will and in very short summary, here are some of the things that make me a great business coach.


  • 18 years experience in starting, running, scaling and selling companies;
  • I have sold two companies and in 2020, exited the company that I still own today where I coach as a Non Executive Director;
  • I have experienced incredible lows in business and personal life and I am my own case study for turning things around into having some pretty reasonable credentials;
  • Nominee and Finalist for Most Inspiring Business Person of the Year 2022 at the National Entrepreneurs Awards with Jimmy Carr. One of the biggest awards in the UK.
National Entrepreneurs Awards
National Entrepreneurs Awards most inspiring business person of the year

Why me? Well, you’ll really want to read this!

Firstly, did you know coaching in any form is an entirely unregulated industry and that many business coaches in Nottingham and Derby (and anywhere in the UK for that matter) are neither qualified nor have ever run a business (aside from becoming a business coach). In fairness, many of these coaches still get results for their clients, because most of all, the most effective aspect of coaching is that you get to have someone to be accountable.

I’m a bit different to most business coaches in Nottingham or Derby

I’m not saying I’m the best. I’m really probably not.

Often the success of a business coach/client relationship is affected by the relationship, and a poor coach might just click really well with a client and boom, they’ll help get them results.

Where I feeI I’m different is threefold, in summary.

  1. I’m approachable and build rapport quickly and easily. You’ll have no problem getting your points across and feeling motivated and having a true sense of direction, as a result of our activity together;
  2. I have ran several businesses, sold two and now own one that I ran from 2010 to 2020, but for the last two years I haven’t worked so much as a single hour as I cracked the ultimate goal of exiting my business. I still own it, it still gives me a six-figure income and it doesn’t give me any headaches.
  3. I didn’t have it easy. In fact, I have had some incredibly tough times. I spent the first five or six years of my sixteen years in business, floating between earning maybe £1/hr to £15/hr. Up until 2019, I probably averaged 80-hour during my time in business, with the exception of many 100 hour weeks and the very rare holiday. Which my Wife would pay for because I was stone cold broke and time-poor.  In 2019, I was also close to bankruptcy, and with 17 employees and a pregnant wife, debts stacking up, and finally reported my Father to the Police for sexually abusing me as a child. Yes, all that was going on at the same time. It was killing me! However, I managed to get things back on track, but it was like wading in treacle while handcuffed! Then COVID happened! Without telling a story far too large for a home page. I got a business coach and I back on track. We had a restructure and drastically changed the way we did things and I was able to find the time to work on my business, not in the business.  Then, within 12 months, I was able to exit the business on a six-figure take-home without doing anything more than coach Marc every two weeks. He’s my Director whom I internally promoted. I now sit on the board as the Non-Exec Director.

    From 2019 until July 2022, I have been enjoying time with my family. Now I am a fully licenced business coach with Entrepreneurs Circle and I am furthering my knowledge and passion for helping others by further empowering my ability as a coach through constant learning and enrolling in various coaching qualifications. With 16 years of experience in business and a proven track record of turning businesses around and growing a business even in incredibly tough times. I have the absolute confidence to coach any business owner, I can help you grow your businesses in a way that suits your goals and at a pace, which means you keep or improve on the quality of service/product.

    I coach using Zoom and in person for anyone in the UK. However, I prefer to coach in person for the first 8 sessions, with as a large portion of those sessions at your trading address, to get a better understanding of your business.

    I live in Long Eaton, which is right on the border between Nottingham and Derby. Hence the desire to coach locally in these areas.

    Intelligent Marketing

    Never again spend even a single pound on marketing punts only ever hoping for, but never knowing success. I’ll show you How To Track Your Marketing Activities with laser precision.

    Delegate Your Duties

    Think you have to do everything yourself, don’t think you can delegate and trust your staff. I’ll show you how to free up 5 hours per week immediately. And if you like, we can plan your transition from employee to owner.

    Business process mapping

    Tired of staff making things up as they go along, or thinking they know better? Perhaps you just think that’s how business should be run. Don’t let this mistake kill your business and steal the life you deserve.


    You can’t judge your progress by the P&L alone. I’ll show you the 12 most important metrics in your business that’ll set you up for success for a lifetime.

    Business Automation

    I’ll show you how to automate repetitive tasks, emails, texts, internal and customer communications. 


    Re-purpose your staffs sudden free time to assist growth


    Impress customers, suppliers and partners with your efficiency


    Free up more and more time and money

    Is Your Website Killing Your Growth

    Even brand new websites on the latest technology that is impressive to look at have dirty little secrets that are putting off potential customers and killing your growth.


    I'll show you how to fix them instantly


    Guaranteed uplift in website user behaviour